The piece I created entitled "LG" is my David Hockney inspired piece. The use of layering of the photos is also called a "Joiner". The layering of the photos allowed me to play will different photos including ones that are a close up, and ones that are long shots. By just using a disposable camera, I was forced to look closely, and to think about the parts and how they will relate to the whole or finished product.
In this particular piece, I tried to focus on the repetition of color. My subject was blowing bubbles in front of a car. The car being blue, made it interesting that she was wearing an orange shirt. Blue and orange are complementary colors, which made this piece visually pleasing. Of course the blue sky contributes as well as the green of the grass. This piece creates a color palate based on the natural elements around me, as well as the artificial ones like the orange shirt.
David Hockney has inspired many artists, but I find he has not only inspired artists and designers like myself, he has inspired people of all professions. The other day on TV I saw this commercial, which immediately reminded me of my piece "LG", but also David Hockney. This commercial is about a Canon digital camera. By introducing this camera through these layered still photographs on a medium that is driven by motion, this commercial introduces the viewer and society to the work of David Hockney and how it can inspire all kinds of people.
Image: Beth August, "LG", 2008
Video: Canon Rebel XSi Commercial,
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